
Latest News from AAWA

AAWA Event Status for 2020

Due to the uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the AAWA Board of Directors has made changes to the All Aboard Washington events calendar....

Update on East-West Passenger Rail Study

Dave Catterson, Coordinator of the Legislature's Joint Transportation Committee, presented an update on the East-West Passenger Rail Feasibility Study at the "Whistle Stop" event on Tuesday, February 25....

AAWA Comments on Draft 2019 Washington State Rail System Plan

All Aboard Washington has submitted a comment on the Draft 2019 Washington State Rail System Plan to WSDOT for evaluation. AAWA is pleased with some of the new ideas incorporated into the plan, and we expect that the 2019 plan could serve as an excellent foundation for our region's rail system with some careful consideration of our ideas....

AAWA Leads Rail Caucus Meeting in Olympia

All Aboard Washington led Wednesday’s Rail Caucus meeting at the request of its co-chairs, who were busy participating in floor debates. Regarding Amtrak Cascades, Ron Pate from the WSDOT Rail, Freight, and Ports Division announced that the agency is currently in negotiations for new equipment to allow for service along the Point Defiance Bypass....

All Aboard Washington Testifies For Rail Safety Legislation

The impacts of the tragic December 18, 2017 Cascades 501 derailment on the Point Defiance Bypass are still being felt in Olympia. In response to the incident, which took the lives of three passengers, including our valued colleagues and friends Jim Hamre and Zack Willhoite, the House Transportation Committee (HTC) convened on January 15. The committee heard testimony on HB 2287, a bill intended to improve rail safety governance. The intent of the bill is to improve cooperation and coordination among the large number of responsible state and federal agencies....